Welcome to liberal-progressive nirvana. A place where one is guilty by assumption, not evidence. Where the concept of “innocent until proven guilty” has been replaced by “guilty until proven otherwise”.
A place where you are sick or racist because they say so.
COVID-19, or the Chinese Coronavirus, has become the jumping off point for total abject control by the Left of speech, actions and thought. As with lemmings, Americans are marching off a cliff because leftist politicians and talking heads are demanding the death of their constitutional independence.
As of this moment 3.9 million Americans have tested positive for COVID-19, out of a population of 330 million. If the number of confirmed cases is accepted at face value, as we do the population number, the infection rate is .01%. If instead, we accept the “worst-case” infection models which suggest 25 million Americans have this illness, then the infection rate is 7.5%.
Acting on the higher number of estimated infections, means 92.5% of Americans are COVID-19 free and thus can’t infect anyone else. Why then are all Americans being asked to wear a mask in public? Why are 305 million people being asked to stay indoors and adhere to restrictions that are indicated for those with this dreadful illness? With these restrictions the Left has infected us all with “asymtopmaticmania”.