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Michele’s Mindlessness
During Monday’s keynote address at the Democrat Party’s virtual convention former First Lady Michele Obama took time to condemn President Trump, endorse Joe Biden, and stoke the embers of racial tension. In short, the perfect virtual beginning for the virtually mindless Democrats.
In Obama’s 2,299 word diatribe she ran the gamut from racism to racism saying she, “won’t be heard by some people. We live in a nation that is deeply divided, and I am a Black woman speaking at the Democratic Convention.”
This is no call for unity, is it?
How about this gem, “They see our leaders labeling fellow citizens enemies of the state while emboldening torch-bearing white supremacists. They watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages, and pepper spray and rubber bullets are used on peaceful protesters for a photo-op.”
Another hyperbole-free call for unity.
In the immediate aftermath of the speech AP fact checkers felt compelled to remind the audience that the “cages” she referred to were authorized and built during her husband’s term. The AP also pointed out the pictures of those facilities used in media reports criticizing Trump were taken in 2014. Trump was elected in 2016.
In the middle of her mindless meandering Obama distilled her message to a mere sixty words, making us all wonder why we had to sit through the other 2,239 words.