The Dyed Red Queen

The Fantastic Fogey
3 min readSep 18, 2020

Marie-Antoinette uttered the most famous food recommendation of all time when she said “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”. Referring to the starving peasants of her nation, Antoinette suggested “Let them eat cake.”

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi updated that phrase to, “let them eat ice cream” when she appeared on the Late Show with James Corden enjoying high-priced frozen dairy treats earlier this year. In the segment she said she was “dealing” with the quarantine associated with the pandemic by indulging in her love of decadent desserts.

Despite the economic ruin wrought by nanny-state “lockdown” restrictions, the Speaker of the “Peoples” House lives a lavish lifestyle consuming high-priced sweets while her constituents struggle to put bread on their tables. Evidence she is entirely disconnected from the people she purports to serve now includes pandemic violations associated with her vanity.

The ‘Dyed Red Queen’ was seen on security cameras at a salon in San Francisco having her royal locks shorn. Pelosi’s hair styling occured despite restrictions that forbid hairstylists from practicing their craft.

The Speaker’s flaunting of restrictions reminds of the Red Queen from ‘Alice in Wonderland’ adventures. In those books that character is best known for the line, “off with her head!” Pelosi has updated it for her purposes to, “off with her hair!”

According to her 2018 personal financial disclosure, Pelosi’s net worth is upwards of $114 million. She has no more idea of how the…



The Fantastic Fogey

Husband, father, and generally good-natured conservative essayist.